“I Need To Sell My House Fast in Kimberly WI!”
We Buy Houses Kimberly And Other Parts of Outagamie County, And At Any Price. Check Out How Our Process Works. We Can Provide You With an Offer Immediately Upon a Walk Through!
If you want to sell house fast Kimberly… we’re ready to help you out & provide you with options.
Stop the frustration of your unwanted property. Let us buy your Kimberly house now, regardless of condition.
- Foreclosure. We can stop the banks in their tracks with a fast and fair sale!
- A house in need of repair. We will purchase as-is. Saving you time and money!
- Divorce. A fast sale will make a stressful situation more manageable.
- A bad inheritance. We have worked with many people who found themselves responsible for a property they never really wanted. We can help you sell without having to pay a dime!
- An urgent need to move. Whether it is for family reasons, work, or another opportunity, you don’t have to let the MLS dictate when you can move on with your life!
- A vacant property. Because we buy as-is, we are happy to help with properties that have become run-down due to neglect.
- Downsizing or upgrading. Sometimes the house you bought 20 years ago, isn’t the house you need today! We can help!
Do You Need To Sell Your House in Kimberly WI?
The worst part about selling a property is the process of getting the home ready for sale, having showings at random hours of the day, & not knowing when it will sell! We can help you avoid all of that 🙂 We buy as-is, there are no costs to you. We pay all closing costs and charge $0 in commission as it is a direct sale. Carter walks you through the entire process & will explain things in great detail so everyone is on the same page. We even will allow you to rent the house back for up to 2 months! Even if our offer isn’t the right option for you – please use us as a resource! We find that so many people are being taken advantage of because they don’t know the cost of contracting work. Call us today & we can help you! 920-215-4201
We are a Father-Son run company who are passionate about what we do. We have come together, each with our own unique skill-set, to help provide OPTIONS to sellers when they need it most. When you call us and tell us about your property, we will provide information about:
- How a direct offer CAN be the best financial decision in some situations. We will help you run ALL the numbers so you can decide what if it is worth the time, energy & effort to remodel the house and list it.
- Listing with a Realtor. This may or may not be the best decision for you right now. Without a doubt, you will get more money listing the home with a Realtor. But, you will also have to pay commissions, closing costs, repairs & never know when someone will buy the house.
- Owner Financing. Does the ideal of monthly passive income sound nice to you? If you decide to go the owner financing route we typically make a downpayment & monthly payments over the course of 5-7 years. In the long run this helps avoid extreme capital gains taxes & gives you monthly cash flow.
We’ll know very quickly if we can help you, and unlike selling through an agent, you don’t have to wait to see if the buyer can get financing… we’re ready to buy right now!
All that hassle can add stress, months to the process, and in the end after paying the agent’s expensive fees, you may or may not be ahead of the game.
We work differently at CB Home Solutions, LLC. When you contact us and submit the short property information form (below), we’ll give you a fair all-cash offer on your house within 24 hours… and the best part is: we can close whenever YOU choose to close – it’s entirely up to you. It doesn’t matter what condition the house is in, or even if there are tenants in there that you can’t get rid of… don’t worry about it. We’ll take care of it for you. And if you need the cash quickly, we can close in as little as 7 days because we buy houses with cash and don’t have to rely on traditional bank financing. (Go here to learn about our process →)
In short…
No matter what condition your house is in; no matter what situation or timeframe you’re facing…
We are unlike anyone else you have worked with in the past!
Fill out the form below to find out how we can help you!
There is never any obligation or hassle!
Sell The Easy Way. Get Started Now...
Or Give Us A Call Now At: (920) 215-4201
We help property owners just like you, in all kinds of situations. From divorce, foreclosure, death of a family member, burdensome rental property, and all kinds of other situations. We buy houses in Wisconsin… including Kimberly and surrounding areas and pay a fair cash price, fast. Sometimes, those who own property simply have lives that are too busy to take the time to do all of things that typically need to be done to prepare a house to sell on the market… if that describes you, just let us know about the property you’d like to be rid of and sell house fast Kimberly.
If you simply don’t want to put up with the hassle of owning that house any longer, and if you don’t want to put up with the hassle and time-consuming expense of selling your property the traditional way, let us know about the property you’d like to be rid of and sell your house fast for cash. Talk to someone in our office before submitting your property information by calling us today at (920) 215-4201
We buy houses in Kimberly, Wisconsin 54136 and all surrounding areas in Wisconsin. If you’re thinking ” I need to sell my Kimberly house fast in Wisconsin, connect with us… we’d love to make you a fair no-obligation no-hassle offer. Take it or leave it. You’ve got nothing to lose. Sell House Fast Kimberly 🙂